Air Quality Monitoring:
We measure and analyze air pollutants to evaluate air quality, identify potential sources of pollution, and develop effective mitigation strategies.

Pollutants Measured:
Includes PM2.5 and PM10, which are tiny particles suspended in the air that can cause adverse health effects.
A common pollutant emitted into the atmospshere from combustion processes that can contribute to respiratory problems and smog.
A gas from burning fossil fuels that can cause respiratory issues and acid rain.
A colorless, odorless gas from incomplete combustion that can be harmful in high concentrations.
A secondary pollutant formed through chemical reaction between oxideds of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOc's) that can irritate the nose and throat and cause respiratory problems. and is a major component of smog.
Organic chemicals that can evaporate into the air and contribute to air pollution and adverse health effects.
Monitoring Techniques:
- Fixed Stations: Permanent sites equipped with reference analyzers to continuously monitor air quality.
- Mobile Monitoring: Portable equipment that can be moved to different locations for spot checks or mobile surveys.
- Passive Sampling: A method primarily used to sample for gases and vapors. Passive air sampling is more accurately termed "diffusive sampling" because it relies on the natural process of diffusion.
Effective air quality monitoring helps protect public health, guide environmental policies, and inform community awareness and action.
Source Emission Monitoring:
Our source emission monitoring services help industries and facilities identify and control emissions to meet regulatory requirements and reduce environmental impact.

Types of Emissions Measured:
Includes pollutants like sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Includes dust, soot, and other particulate emissions.
Such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can be emitted from industrial processes.
Monitoring Techniques:
- Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS): Automated systems that continuously measure pollutant levels at source.
- Grab Sampling: Collecting discrete samples of emissions at specific times for laboratory analysis.
- Integrated Sampling: Collecting samples over a period to average emission rates.
Data Collection:
- Flow Rate Measurement: Determining the volume of gases emitted to calculate emission rates.
- Concentration Measurement: Measuring the concentration of pollutants in the gas stream.
- Sampling Frequency: Depending on regulations, sampling might be continuous, periodic, or based on operational conditions.
Noise Survey
Our noise survey enables measurements throughout an entire plant or sections to identify noisy areas. Noise surveys provide very useful information which enables us to identify areas which may pose a nuisance or exposure to harmful noise levels.
Monitoring Parameters: Leq, L10, L90, L50, Lmax, Lmin
Method: All noise survey equipment used conform to ISO 1996 (Part 1 and 2)